Media and Publications

In the Media and Publications section you will find a collection of reports, articles, and commentary covering a range of topics. Take a moment to peruse our content and stay informed on a variety of subjects.


A comprehensive and in-depth report on economic openness in India.

Dec, 06 2019

A comprehensive and in-depth report on economic openness in Indonesia.

Oct, 09 2019

A report published by the Legatum Institute in partnership with Templeton World Charity Foundation

May, 16 2019

This publication was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation.

May, 16 2019

This publication was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation.

May, 16 2019

This publication was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation.

May, 16 2019

A bilateral regulatory partnership

Apr, 06 2017


Apr, 05 2017

A reading of the pages that follow will reveal one answer. In the year 2015 these were among the many […]

Jan, 12 2016

The Legatum Institute’s ‘Beyond Propaganda’ series – a collection of essays that look at how 21st century warfare is changing and what can be done to react to information warfare.

Sep, 25 2015